The Legal English Correction and Proofreading Service
Do you have a law essay due? Would you like our expert proofreaders to check an important email or letter you are about to send out? Do you have an article that you have written for your law firm's website or an academic journal that you would like us to check for spelling and grammar errors? Let us help you.
Proofreading and English correction
The Legal English School's teachers are here to help you be confident that your written work is clear, accurate and free of mistakes. We set up our proofreading and error correction service to help the hundreds of lawyers and law students who take pride in their work and need confidence that their letters, emails and essays are 100% accurate.
You can choose whether you want your work to be tracked or not so you can understand the changes that have been made. You can also book a lesson with one of our tutors to analyse your work in graater detail.
The Legal English Grammar Guide is available at Amazon
You can send your work to our English Correcting Department using the form below.