Free Language Level Test
What is my language level in Legal English or Business English? Check your language level with the best teachers.
How and why to determine your language proficiency.
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) serves as a benchmark for language schools and language training course providers to make a judgment on the language level of their students. Legal English UK and Legal English Online's language trainers adhere to the framework and use it frequently as a reference to judge our students' skills in any given language.
The framework also serves a useful purpose for the TOLES exam. As the exam is split into three (TOLES Foundation, TOLES Advanced, TOLES Higher), we make a recommendation on the best exam for you to take based on the criteria of the CEFR.
The CEFR also enables us to allocate the right course materials and target lessons at our learners. As most of our lessons are private classes, this is invaluable.
Take a free oral test with Legal English UK by clicking on this link and filling in the form.